
Experienced Chiropractic Services

Having been in practice for over 20 years, Dr. Gunnar Anderson has treated many patients that experience back pain, headaches, auto injuries, leg pain, hip pain, shoulder pain, sciatica, and workplace injuries. At Anderson Chiropractic we also treat children experiencing discomfort.
If any of these issues pertain to you or a loved one, give us a call today at 719-566-1550 to set your next appointment.

Back Pain

The majority of adults will experience back pain at some point in their lives. Many of those adults encounter it daily. At Anderson Chiropractic, Dr. Gunnar Anderson provides treatment to alleviate that pain.

Back Pain

The majority of adults will experience back pain at some point in their lives. Many of those adults encounter it daily. At Anderson Chiropractic, Dr. Gunnar Anderson provides treatment to alleviate that pain.

Back Pain

The majority of adults will experience back pain at some point in their lives. Many of those adults encounter it daily. At Anderson Chiropractic, Dr. Gunnar Anderson provides treatment to alleviate that pain.

Causes of Back Pain

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Muscle Strains
  • Bulging Discs
  • Ligament Strains
  • Ruptured Discs


Sciatica is a shooting pain that starts at the lower back and down to the legs. The pain caused from Sciatica is due to a pinched nerve root. If you are experiencing this or something similar, do not hesitate to give Anderson Chiropractic a call to schedule your next appointment.


If you suffer from chronic headaches, migraines, or neck pain, Dr. Gunnar Anderson can provide you with the treatment needed. We treat patients with natural chiropractic therapies that are safe and require no medication. Call our office to set an appointment at 719-566-1550 and Dr. Anderson will help relieve your daily headaches.

Leg Pain, Hip Pain, & Shoulder Pain

If you suffer from pain in your legs, hips, shoulders, or other extremities, Anderson Chiropractic provides relief with techniques to target those problem areas.


Chiropractic care for children can be an essential part of your child’s overall wellness. It may not seem that Chiropractor care is a need at a young age, however, starting preventative care early on in life will help set your child up for better health and well-being for their lifetime. Dr. Anderson enjoys children and goes out of his way to make this a good experience for your child that can improve many aspects of their daily routines.
Chiropractic care for your child can help with Colic and Tummy troubles, sleep issues, headaches, and Anxiety. 

Sports Injuries

Help your athlete relieve muscle soreness, or improve joint strength and increase circulation by visiting a Chiropractor. The amount of time your athlete misses after an injury can be reduced by chiropractic care. Whether your child is involved in contact sports or non-contact sports chiropractic care such as regular exam and adjustments can be essential to the overall performance of your athlete. Dr. Anderson was a high school and college athlete himself and received chiropractic care to keep him going. He loves sports and being active and wants to help your athlete fully enjoy their athletic experience. Dr. Anderson offers a special to all High School aged kids involved in sports. While your child is active in their season they can have adjustments at a special fee from Dr. Anderson. Call our office for details.
Chiropractic care for your athlete can help with reducing pain, shorten healing time and improve overall health.


More often than not you hear women question if seeing a chiropractor during their pregnancy is safe when in actuality it is one of the most important times for a women to receive chiropractic care. During pregnancy your body goes through a series of changes, changes that can cause unwanted pain and discomfort that is not needed with all your body is already going through. However, we have great news Chiropractic care can help! Dr. Anderson has had the experience of adjusting many pregnant women in his career. Our office has tables that can adjust to fit a growing mother’s belly. Chiropractic care is a safe, natural, and a drug-free approach to alleviate pain and prevention for a healthier, happier pregnancy. Call our office for details on how Dr. Anderson can help make this important time in your life the best experience possible. 

Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy Include:

  • Back, neck, hip, and joint pain relief
  • Controlling symptoms of nausea
  • Reduced time in labor and delivery 

Worker Compensation

This is a form of insurance that will help cover lost wages and medical expenses for people who are injured on the job. Whether you experience a sprain, strain, or soreness from a job-related accident chiropractic services can help alleviate these issues. Dr. Anderson is familiar with worker’s compensation and the injuries that may occur from work-related accidents. Please let your workman’s comp Dr. know you are interested in chiropractic care as part of your treatment. 
Chiropractic care for your work comp claim can help with slips and falls, low back injury and strain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder, arm, and hand strain.  
Call Us Today to Schedule Your Next Appointment
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